Still Alive: Valladolid, Yucatán

This one is going to be actually just a quick one to let you know I’m still alive, like the original intention of these Still Alive posts was, before I started making them longer and longer. I’m in Valladolid, a very nice little city, planning to head to a cenote tonight and camp out before enjoying it tomorrow. After that I’ll possibly visit Chichén Itzá, and then I’ll probably start heading back. I was planning to wait until a few days from now, but as I consider it, a budget of ten days to make it from the Yucatán to Cincinnati looks pretty paltry, and having a few days of cushion will probably serve me well. I found a place that offers free (!) internet here, something basically unheard-of in Mexico, so I’m using it to my full advantage. But at some point I should really get going.

File under: Still Alive, Year of Adventure · Places: Mexico

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