The Hat

Misty got this hat, from our friend Willow. And somehow, it was never the same twice. Not all of Misty’s head gets cold at the same time, so they have to arrange it very particularly.

In all of these photos, Misty was not trying to make the hat look ridiculous. It just kind of happened.

P.S. My phone camera has decided to add a tiny green rectangle to all my pictures. Time to find a better camera.

File under: irrelevancies, love

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Misty looks sad and the right side of her face and eye look bruised in the train picture. Hope all is ok love you



I think we were both just kind of sleepless from a whole night spent trying to sleep in our seats (though it was nicer than trying to sleep on buses a few days later). We’re both doing well. Is this Misty’s dad? You don’t sound like mine.

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